Who Is At Fault In A Left Turn Car Accident?

Left turn car accidents are among the most common types of collisions on the road, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, left-hand turn car accidents account for about 26 percent of all car accidents. Although the driver who made the left-hand turn is often at fault in these accidents, it is not always the case and as such left turn car accidents often result in complex liability assessments.

If you have been injured in a left turn car accident, it is highly recommended you speak with an experienced car accident attorney near you. A skilled lawyer will be able to determine liability and possible settlement to help compensate you for the injuries you have sustained. At the Law Offices of Rodemer | Kane, we are here to help people who have been involved in car accidents and have suffered injuries. Contact our office to see what we can do for you and your family. You can reach out to us online or call us at 719-635-7886 to set up a free consultation.

Determining Fault in Left Turn Accidents

Because a left turn requires a driver to cross in front of oncoming traffic, it is often assumed that they are solely responsible in the event of an accident. It is, after all, the responsibility of the driver to be able to determine when to make a left hand driving maneuver safely. There are, however, many circumstances where things are not so cut and dry. There are a number of factors that are considered when trying to determine who is at fault in a left turn car accident. Here’s how you can typically determine who will be at fault in a left turn car accident:

  • Traffic Signals and Signs – The presence of traffic signals or signs plays a critical role in determining fault in left turn car crashes. If the driver making the left turn has a green arrow or a clear indication to proceed, they typically have the right of way. However, if the turn is made without the right of way, it may result in the left-turning driver being at fault.
  • Failure to Yield – Left-turning drivers must yield to oncoming traffic. If a driver fails to yield and collides with an oncoming vehicle, they are likely to be considered at fault for the accident.
  • Oncoming Speed and Distance – Assessing the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles is essential. If the left-turning driver misjudges the speed or distance and causes a collision, they may be held responsible.
  • Distracted Driving – Inattention or distracted driving is a common cause of left turn accidents. If a driver fails to observe oncoming traffic due to distractions, they may be deemed negligent and held at fault.
  • Road or Weather Conditions – Poor road or weather conditions can make it difficult in some circumstances to provide proper visibility for drivers, leading to accidents when a driver tries to make a left turn without being able to see around obstacles. A thorough investigation of the accident is necessary in these cases to determine fault.

Common Types of Injuries in Left Turn Accidents

Left turn car wrecks can lead to serious injuries, as much of the time they tend to be of a head-on nature. The collision of two vehicles running into each other from opposite directions can place serious physical forces on the driver and passengers of both vehicles, leading to significant injuries. Some of the most common types of injuries to occur in left turn car accidents include:

  • Whiplash – The sudden impact of a left-turn collision can cause the head and neck to jerk violently, resulting in whiplash. This soft tissue injury can lead to pain, stiffness, long-term discomfort, and the need for extended medical treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Head Injuries/Traumatic Brain Injuries – Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries or TBIs like concussions, can occur when the impact causes the head to strike the steering wheel, window, or other hard surfaces within the vehicle.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries – The force of a left turn collision can lead to strains, pulls, or tears of the soft connective tissues in the body, which can take a long time to recover from.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones – The impact of the collision may result in fractures or broken bones, especially in areas like the arms, wrists, legs, or pelvis.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – In severe left turn car accidents, parties involved could suffer a spinal cord injury. These types of injuries are very serious and can lead to varying degrees of paralysis and other long-term disabilities.
  • Facial Injuries – Airbag deployment, shattered glass, or direct impact from some part of the cabin of the vehicle can all cause facial injuries, including lacerations, fractures, or dental injuries.

Contact A Left Turn Car Accident Attorney Near You

Determining fault in left turn car accidents requires a careful examination of the circumstances surrounding the collision. By understanding traffic rules, adhering to right-of-way principles, and remaining attentive, drivers can contribute to preventing these accidents. If you find yourself involved in a left turn accident, promptly seek medical attention, even if injuries seem minor initially. It is also best to consult with a legal professional who can help navigate the complexities of determining fault and seeking compensation for injuries sustained in the accident. If you live in or near Colorado Springs, CO, reach out to the team of legal experts here at the Law Offices of Rodemer | Kane. We are here to help people who have suffered injuries in left turn car accidents. Contact us online or call us at 719-635-7886 to set up a free consultation.