Get Help With Gun Crimes and Other Weapons Charges in Colorado

If you have been charged with a weapons crime, you do not have to leave your case in the hands of the prosecution. You need a criminal defense lawyer who will fight for your rights and a fair outcome. At Rodemer | Kane, we provide aggressive representation to defendants accused of committing weapons-related crimes.

A Colorado Defense Lawyer Defending You Against All Types of Gun and Weapons Charges

Colorado law criminalizes various conduct related to weapons and firearms, including the mere act of possession. The possession and use of guns are heavily regulated, but Colorado has laws pertaining to a wide variety of dangerous and deadly weapons, including switchblades, blackjacks, and brass knuckles. Some of the more common weapons charges that defendants can face in Colorado include the following:

  • Unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon
  • Unlawful purchase of a firearm
  • Defacing a firearm (filing or otherwise removing the serial number) or possessing a defaced firearm
  • Illegal discharge of a firearm
  • Prohibited use of a firearm
  • Possession of a firearm by a previous offender
  • Unlawfully carrying a weapon on school grounds

Law enforcement and prosecutors are aggressive in pursuing weapons charges. If you are facing a weapons charge, remember that the prosecution must prove their case. A criminal defense attorney with experience handling weapons crime cases can help you find a fair resolution. Read more in this article about Colorado Springs gun laws.

Handling both Misdemeanor and Felony Weapons Charges

Gun and weapons offenses can include both misdemeanor and felony charges. For example:

  • Unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon – Class 2 misdemeanor. A conviction can result in up to 120 days imprisonment and a fine of up to $1,000.
  • Possession of an illegal weapon – Class 1 misdemeanor. You face up to 364 days of imprisonment and a fine of up to 1,000 if convicted.
  • Possession of a weapon by a previous offender – Class 6 felony or Class 5 Felony . A Class 6 Felony conviction can result in a prison sentence of one year to 18 months in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. Class 5 felony. If convicted, you face from one to three years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. 
  • Possession of a dangerous weapon – Class 5 felony. If convicted, you face from one to three years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.
  • Unlawful purchase of a firearm – Class 4 felony. If convicted, the court may impose a prison sentence of two to six years and a fine of up to $500,000.

As you can see, the consequences of even a misdemeanor conviction can be severe. If you have been charged with a weapons offense, you need to contact a skilled criminal defense lawyer to make sure you get a fair outcome.

Contact A Criminal Defense Lawyer At Rodemer | Kane If You Are Facing Weapons Charges

At Rodemer | Kane, we begin preparing an aggressive defense from the moment you retain us. Whether it is a misdemeanor offense or a felony charge, we are focused on obtaining the best possible result for you. To discuss your case and how we can help, call us or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.