DUI Lawyers in Colorado Springs Near You

The attorneys at Rodemer | Kane have the qualifications, expertise, and resources to help you defend against DUI/DWAI charges. When your rights, finances, driving privileges, and potential license suspension are at risk, it’s crucial to trust a skilled DUI lawyer who can navigate the complexities of the case and stand firm against any legal challenge.

Our Colorado DUI attorneys are dedicated to crafting a tailored defense that could save you thousands of dollars in penalties or significant jail time. With years of experience in DUI defense, we will review the details of your case, including factors like breathalyzer results and the circumstances surrounding your arrest. Let us help you understand your legal options and guide you through every stage of the legal process, from court appearances to potential settlement negotiations.

For professional assistance from Colorado Springs DUI lawyers who treat every case as if it were their own, contact
Rodemer | Kane at 719-437-7532.


In most states in the U.S., being caught driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 will get you a DUI charge (Driving Under the Influence), which is a very serious traffic violation. In some states, it may even be charged as a felony offense. Colorado is currently proposing a felony DUI law be instated.

The problem with felony DUI laws, including Colorado’s proposed law, is that there’s no evidence they are effective in actually reducing the number of drunk drivers on the road or reducing fatal alcohol-related traffic accidents.

Colorado has an additional charge, DWAI, Driving While Ability Impaired, which can apply at lower BAC levels if it can be shown that your ability to drive was affected to any degree whatsoever by alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both, the BAC for DWAI is between .051 and .079, much lower than a DUI. If you’re faced with such a predicament, you need a successful, experienced Colorado DWAI and DUI attorney.

woman getting pulled over for dui in colorado springs

DWAI or DUI: Which Is It?

If you are pulled over and asked to blow into a Breathalyzer or take a blood or urine test, the result will determine if you can be charged for either type of impaired driving. Here in Colorado, if you blow above .08 BAC, you can be charged with DUI. Between .05 and .08 can get you a DWAI charge. This means that you can be charged with a criminal offense for driving home after virtually any social drinking.

Should I Take a Blood Test or a Breath Test if I’m Stopped for a DUI Near Colorado Springs?

Colorado DUI laws are complicated and when you’re being pulled over is no time to try and figure them out. One of the questions we get asked most often is, “what test should I take, or should I even take a test?” First, remember, one of the most important things you can do when being investigated for any crime is make sure you give the State as little evidence as possible. If you are asked to do a voluntary field sobriety test in Colorado, remember, the test is voluntary. You have no obligation to complete them, and regardless of your level of sobriety, you are going to fail. According to one study from Clemson University, officers trained in DUI detection failed to correctly identify those subjects in the study who were too drunk to drive and who was sober 47% of the time.[1] Basically, flipping a coin is as accurate as Colorado’s field sobriety tests. In short, they are designed for you to fail.

So what sobriety test should you complete? I recommend that my clients complete a blood test in nearly every situation. I’ll explain. Certainly, refusing to complete a test will derive the state of evidence that is very helpful in convicting you, namely your blood alcohol level (BAC). You will still be prosecuted and can be convicted of DUI or DWAI in Colorado. Remember, the state doesn’t have to prove your blood alcohol content for you to be found guilty of DUI. Rather, they have to prove that you are substantially incapable of operating a motor vehicle safely because of the consumption of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. There’s no number. Moreover, the consequences of a refusal at DMV are severe. Generally, if the revocation is upheld, you will lose your privileges to drive for 1 year, and there is no early reinstatement. With a breath test, we have a much more difficult time disputing the accuracy of the test and the accuracy of the machine. You are not given a second sample to retest at your own laboratory, and we’re forced to rely on the validity of the state’s test. There are also inherent flaws with the principles behind the breath test. The old adage “the harder you blow, the higher you go” has some truth to it. A blood test is superior for several reasons. First, two vials of blood are collected, one for the state, and one for you. This is important, because, unlike a breath test, a DUI law firm near you can and will re-test your blood at our own independent laboratory. It is not uncommon for the two samples to have very different results.

police officer checking the BAC of a driver in colorado springs

Next, you are making the case more difficult for the state to prosecute. Rather than calling only the two police officers involved in a case with a breath test, the state needs to get the person who tested your blood at the lab in Denver to attend your Colorado Springs DUI trial. They also attempt to get the head of the laboratory to testify and explain the complicated scientific processes that make up gas chromatograph testing. There are very few people working as blood testers and only one head of each lab. Consequently, orchestrating trials with these individuals is difficult, to say the least. Many cases have received very favorable outcomes due to their unavailability. Finally, there is strong evidence that the blood test is more accurate than the breath test in DUI cases. The process to test blood uses very complicated and expensive equipment to test blood alcohol levels, which is incredibly accurate. The breath test uses a relatively inexpensive machine found in every police station in the state. Obviously, a blood test is superior.

[1] Nowacyk, R. H., Dr. and Cole, S., Dr., Separating Myth from Fact: A Review of Research on the Field Sobriety Tests (The Champion, August 1995).

colorado springs mountains

Penalties For DUI and DWAI In Colorado

Penalties for both DUI and DWAI in Colorado are severe, potentially including stiff fines, community service, suspension of your license, and jail time, even for a first Colorado DUI offense. Penalties become more severe for subsequent DUI and DWAI offenses. To ensure the best outcome for your case, contact a DUI attorney near you at Rodemer | Kane.

Potential Colorado DUI & DWAI Penalties

DUI First Offense

  • Up to $1,000 in DUI fines
  • Between 5 and 365 days in jail
  • As much as 96 hours of community service
  • Twelve points on your license
  • A nine-month to a one-year suspension of your license
  • Substance abuse treatment program, or DUI education classes
  • 10 days in jail or work release mandatory if the BAC is above .200

DWAI First Offense

  • Fines up to $500
  • From 2 to 180 days in jail
  • Up to 48 hours of community service
  • Eight points on your license
  • 10 days in jail or work release mandatory if the BAC is above .200

Second & Third Offenses

  • In Colorado, a second offense DUI or DWAI requires a mandatory minimum of 10 days in jail/work release, while a third DUI or DWAI offense requires a mandatory minimum of 60 days jail/work release, no good time on the mandatory minimum portion of the sentence.
  • All of the requirements of a first offense, with additional alcohol therapy.
  • Supervised probation.
  • Increased fines.
  • Additional consequences against your driver’s license.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a DUI Lawyer Near You In Colorado?

When looking to hire a DUI attorney near you the cost is typically a flat fee generally between $3500-$4500. This amount can vary greatly depending on  lots of factors that our DUI law office will consider before quoting a price on a case. Things like if there a prior offenses, whether or not an accident was involved, if there are other charges, the BAC content, etc, can influence the cost of a DUI attorney. It is important to understand that although this may seem like a significant upfront cost, hiring a DUI lawyer will typically save you money in the long run. The court has a great deal of discretion and an experienced DUI lawyer will have the ability to negotiate many financial aspects of a DUI. For instance, we’re often able to get the judge to suspend the mandatory fine, meaning that unless your sentence is revoked, you don’t have to pay; or for the judge to require unsupervised probation, which can save thousands of dollars in supervision fees.

The cost of hiring a DUI attorney in Colorado Springs can vary greatly, but the reality is that hiring the wrong Colorado DUI attorney may actually end up costing you far more in the long run and may even be worse than hiring no one at all. For this reason, you should at least speak with a skilled attorney before deciding who to hire. But make no mistake, you should not base your choice of an attorney solely on price. Choosing a lawyer is a highly personal decision, and I recommend you sit down with a number of attorneys until you find the one with who you’re most comfortable.

Rodemer - The Cost of a DUI Lawyer how much does a dui lawyer cost colorado

The Cost of Hiring a Cheap Defense Attorney in Colorado Springs

Being charged with any criminal defense, whether DUI, domestic violence, or any other offense, is never planned and likely isn’t something you’ve been stashing money away for. Naturally, it’s tempting to search for “cheap criminal defense attorney in Colorado Springs,” or “cheapest DUI lawyer near me,” in hopes of finding someone who is willing to handle your case for a small amount. But the truth is, simply hiring a cheap DUI or criminal defense attorney near you can be a fatal mistake and has the potential to make an already bad situation go from bad to worse. When searching for legal representation, it is important to carefully evaluate your options and avoid hastily choosing cheap criminal lawyers near you.

How Hiring A Low Cost Criminal Defense Attorney Near You Can Hurt You

Finding the right defense attorney for your DUI case is about more than just seeking out an affordable DUI lawyer near you. The reality is, cost shouldn’t be a factor in whomever you ultimately decide to hire. I often tell prospective clients, and I firmly believe, when looking for an attorney to handle your criminal or DUI charge, you should meet with as many defense attorneys as it takes until you find one who you feel comfortable with. Whether you meet with one and click, or meet with a hundred before you find the one that clicks, feeling comfortable and respected, as well as having confidence in the criminal defense attorney’s ability is imperative. And the cost has nothing to do with that analysis.

If a Colorado criminal defense attorney near you is cheap, there’s often a reason why. Do they need the business so badly that they’re willing to charge such a small amount to get your case? Are they young and have no experience or don’t have a clue how much time they should be spending on the case? Do they have the resources to properly defend you? The answer to many or all of these questions is usually the reason you shouldn’t limit yourself to searching for the cheapest DUI lawyer in Colorado Springs, or the cheapest criminal defense attorney in Colorado Springs near you.

The pitfalls of looking for “cheap criminal or DUI defense attorneys” are many. If you ignore the above advice, you will likely end up having someone whom you don’t trust, don’t feel respected by, and generally don’t click with as your counsel. What’s worse is that for most attorneys, the price they are quoting you has a direct correlation to the amount of time they are anticipating putting into the case. Clearly, there are exceptions to this rule, for instance, on a number of occasions, I’ve quoted a price significantly below the amount of work I know I’ll put into the case for a variety of reasons. Maybe the case has a particularly novel legal issue that interests me, or maybe I believe the system hasn’t been working right for that client, but for the most part, the cost of an attorney directly reflects the time they will put into your case.

What You Should Look For When Hiring A DUI Defense Attorney in Colorado Springs

The bottom line is that the cost of an attorney’s representation ideally shouldn’t be a factor in who you end up hiring. You should look at the types of cases they handle, have they handled cases like yours? What were the outcomes? Do they know the judges and DA’s involved in your case? (keep in mind that knowing the judge or DA is only important because its helpful to know how a prosecutor handles a case, or how a judge is likely to rule on various issues, don’t let any attorney tell you that knowing either the judge or DA will help change the outcome, it simply doesn’t work that way. No judge and no DA treat any defense attorney differently because they are friends. If an attorney tells you they’re friends with the judge and can get a better deal, turn and run) Have they taken cases like yours to trial? What resources do they have, investigators, experts, etc? What do you get for the cost you’re being quoted, does that amount include a trial, and when does their representation end? When was their most recent trial and what was the outcome? Attorneys should be able to answer these questions and not dodge them. You also shouldn’t expect to hear answers you want to hear, but you should expect to hear the truth. For instance, if an attorney is asked when the last time they went to trial was, if the response is “2 years ago”, that isn’t a bad thing, but the important thing is that they’re being honest with you.

It is essential to meet with multiple defense attorneys, taking the time to find someone with whom you feel comfortable and confident. Don’t settle solely for an affordable lawyer near you; prioritize the attorney’s expertise, communication style, and dedication to your case. Meeting with as many defense attorneys as needed until you find the right fit will ensure that you have a strong advocate who understands your needs and can provide the best possible defense. Remember, the quality of the attorney-client relationship can significantly impact the outcome of your case, so invest the effort to find the right attorney who meets both your comfort and affordability criteria.

Hiring the Most Expensive DUI Attorney Also Doesn’t Guarantee Results 

Much like hiring the cheapest DUI or criminal defense lawyer isn’t what you should be looking for, hiring the most expensive attorney does guarantee your case will end favorably. No attorney, whether cheap or expensive can change the facts. We’re not magicians who can simply wave a wand to change the government’s evidence. The important thing is trust and experience. Whomever you hire needs to have a great deal of experience so they’re giving you informed advice, and just as importantly, you need to trust them enough to know the advice they’re giving you is in your best interest. Bottom line. So as you begin the process of looking for a DUI or criminal defense attorney, don’t simply go on Google and search for “cheapest DUI lawyer near me” or “cheap criminal defense attorney in Colorado Springs.” You’re making an important decision and it pays to do the research. Look at the reviews attorneys have, and the results they get, and meet with as many as it takes for you to feel like you click. The results of your case will be better, and your overall experience will be far more positive.

One thing to consider when looking for an affordable DUI lawyer near you is that most DUI attorneys will charge a flat fee for representation, but it’s important you know what that flat fee entails. Is there an extra charge for the DMV hearing? What about motions hearings, or trial? In general, I charge a flat fee, which is based on the anticipated work involved in the case. For that reason, there’s not a standard cost, and the fee varies from case to case, depending on a number of factors. Fees are individually tailored based on the case. While my firm isn’t cheapest in town, my fees are in line with the reputation I’ve earned and results I regularly obtain. Because I charge a flat fee, you know precisely what the costs associated with representation will entail. There’s no surprises or hidden fees. The bottom line is that you should never base your choice of an attorney on their price. Keep in mind that there’s a reason some attorneys charge more than others and choosing the wrong attorney to represent you may end up becoming a very expensive mistake. Contact us for a free consultation where we will discuss the fees and clearly lay them out for you.

gavel, set of car keys, and a glass of alcohol

Recent DUI Case Victories in Colorado Springs

Case 1: Saved CDL License

The client was driving from Manitou, CO and made a right-hand turn but kind of rolled through the stop sign. This case occurred in late 2023, and he had a prior DUI conviction from the early 2000s, so this became a 2nd DUI. He had a BAC of just over 0.08. So the case involved an old conviction, low BAC, and the stop sign he rolled through was at an intersection where everyone from the area rolls through it. His original offer was to plead guilty and get 10 days in jail, but our client couldn’t take that deal because he had a CDL (commercial driver’s license) and he would lose his license with a DUI conviction on his record. We talked to the district attorney and asked for the body cam footage of the police officer because we believed they wouldn’t be able to prove the Prima Facie of DUI in the case. Prima Facie means how the case looked at first sight, if there was reason to pull over our client in the first place. If there isn’t reasonable cause, then you cannot proceed with the investigation into the DUI. We asked for a deferred sentence on a second DUI, which is incredibly rare, but we were able to secure that for our client and that ultimately led to a dismissal.

Case 2: From DUI to Reckless Driving

This DUI case is from 2024. Our client was involved in a crash, which becomes an aggravating factor in a DUI case. Car crashes cause a chaotic element to any case, and we have to look closely at the facts and how procedures were carried out by the law enforcement. In this case our client had their blood collected, and it came back with a BAC of 0.18 which is quite high, but after reviewing the case we were able to determine that it wasn’t collected properly. Because of this, the DA no longer has a Prima Facie for DUI, and we were able to get those charges get thrown out. Because of this, our client only ended up facing a careless driving charge. He was looking at least 10-60 days in jail because there was an injury, but he ended up with a non-DUI plea of careless driving which is a 4-point ticket and nothing on his driving record about having an alcohol related offense.

Case 3: Full Dismissal of a 5th Meth DUI

Our client was looking at a fifth DUI, it’s important to note that once you get to the fourth DUI it’s considered a felony charge in the state of Colorado. A 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. are all felony DUI charges and each of these have a 90 day mandatory jail sentence. In this case, it was a meth DUI, which means that the only option to determine intoxication is a blood test. Our client consented to the blood test, which showed 700 nanograms of meth in his system. There are no specific guidelines in Colorado as to how much of a substance is legally over the limit. The law enforcement was only originally charging him with a misdemeanor because they didn’t have the previous records because they were older. The DA pulled those old records and the DUI got upgraded to a felony. Felony consequences are much stricter the presumptive range is up to 6 years in prison, but if there were aggravating factors it could go as high as 12 years. Meth is an aggravating factor because it is illegal in the state of Colorado. We were able to find some issues with the blood collection and the DA was willing to downgrade the charge to a DUI third, which removes the felony part of the charge. But our client wanted to go to trial. After a two-day trial we were able to get the charges dismissed.

About 4-5 years ago the law changed in Colorado so that prior offenses can be taken into consideration for felony offenses. So with it being his fifth DUI, the jury heard about his prior convictions. The jury acquitted our client because we were able to successfully argue that a small amount of meth in someone’s system isn’t enough to impair them from driving. That he was pulled over for a weave while driving, but that he wasn’t substantially impaired enough to not operate a vehicle. The line we used that swayed the jury was that our client would have to be the worst criminal in the world to consent to a blood test if he was aware he had meth in his system.

Do You Need A Colorado Springs DUI or DWAI Attorney?

Because of the severity of the penalties for drinking and driving in Colorado, you should always consult an experienced DUI attorney. You want to avoid jail time and you need to be able to drive to work if you are to continue earning a living. An experienced and knowledgeable Colorado DUI/DWAI attorney in your area can raise many defenses to these charges, and while there is never a guarantee that you’ll get off completely unscathed, the right DUI lawyer can protect your constitutional rights, work to minimize the negative consequences, and sometimes even get the charges dropped.

Your lawyer can require the prosecutor to show that the arrest was proper and that you were informed of your rights. The prosecution must also be able to show that the testing equipment was functioning properly and that the officer was trained and certified to operate it. These are just a few examples of areas where a good lawyer can sometimes have your charges dismissed.

Will Your DUI Case Get Dismissed if the Cop Didn’t Read You Your Miranda Rights?

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is whether or not the police officer needs to read your rights to you after they contact you for a DUI. Unfortunately, there’s not really an easy answer. The idea of “reading your rights,” or giving the Miranda warning, comes from a 1966 United States Supreme Court case called Miranda v. Arizona. The Court held that “the defendant must be warned prior to any questioning that he has the right to remain silent, that anything he says can be used against him in a court of law, that he has the right to the presence of an attorney, and that if he cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for him prior to any questioning if he so desires” Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 479 (1966). In short, the following nine factors are considered to determine whether or not someone’s in custody for the purposes of Miranda:

  • the time, place, and purpose of the encounter;
  • the persons present during the interrogation;
  • the words spoken by the officer to the defendant;
  • the officer’s tone of voice and general demeanor;
  • the length and mood of the interrogation;
  • whether any limitation of movement or other form of restraint was placed on the defendant during the interrogation;
  • the officer’s response to any questions asked by the defendant;
  • whether directions were given to the defendant during the interrogation;
  • the defendant’s verbal or nonverbal response to such directions.

People v. Hankins, 201 P.3d 1218,1218-1219 (Colo.2009)

Your lawyer can require the prosecutor to show that the arrest was proper and that you were informed of your rights. The prosecution must also be able to show that the testing equipment was functioning properly and that the officer was trained and certified to operate it. These are just a few examples of areas where a good lawyer can sometimes have your charges

Preparing for an Alcohol Evaluation in Colorado

In Colorado, most jurisdictions use the alcohol evaluation to determine the treatment/classes you’ll be required to complete as part of any sentence in a DUI/DWAI case. Generally, the evaluation is completed through the probation department in the jurisdiction where the case is charged, but there are ways to get another jurisdiction to complete a “courtesy evaluation” in the event you live in a different county. Take the evaluation seriously. Show up 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment, dress nicely, and by all means, don’t be impaired when you go. Although this sounds like a no-brainer, it happens so frequently that I now warn every client about this. And when I say don’t be impaired, do not have anything to drink in the 24 hours leading up to the evaluation. All too often someone drinks the night before and a probation officer smells it.

The probation department will likely use the Adult Substance Use and Driving Survey, or ASUDS for short to score you on various factors, prior substance use, prior impaired driving, demographics, defensiveness, BAC in the present case, etc. These are the tips we give our clients when they are undergoing an evaluation:

  • Be Honest – Don’t go to the evaluation and say you had two beers when your BAC is a .200.
  • Don’t Minimize – Ultimately, you are at the evaluation because you have been charged with, and likely are receiving a sentence for a very serious crime. So its important to reflect on that and let the evaluator know that you are well aware of how serious this is and let them know how you’re taking it seriously.
  • Stop Drinking – Someone who is able to abstain from alcohol from the date they were charged until the evaluation is completed is certainly less of a risk than someone who has continued to drink, even in light of being charged with an alcohol related offense. The latter will almost certainly be required to complete more treatment than the former.
  • Get a Head Start – Once I know that a client is going to be pleading guilty and receive classes/treatment as part of their sentence, I advise them to begin immediately. This way, you’re not just going to the evaluation and telling them that you take this seriously, but you’ve demonstrated that you are in fact taking it seriously.

Remember, by the time you get to the alcohol evaluation, you’ve already pled guilty in most cases, therefore the time to deny the accusations has passed. If you aren’t prepared to go to the evaluation and take your lumps so to speak, you should not have pled guilty in the first place.

What Do I Do if I’m Arrested for DUI or a Drug Crime?

Call us as soon as you can. There are many factors in how you respond in this situation that can affect your outcome. Refusing to take a chemical test, or admitting guilt can cause problems for your case. If you submit to a blood test – you don’t have to do anything within the first 7 days of your case – if you refuse, or did a breath test the officer will give you a Notice of Express Consent immediately. You then have seven days from the date you were arrested to go to DMV and request a hearing. Failure to do so means the revocation of your license will go into effect on the 8th day. Calling us is your best bet for a favorable outcome. We also serve the community of Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock. If you are in the military, contact a qualified military DUI lawyer near you with an understanding of military law can make all the difference in your case. If you’re facing a probation violation in El Paso County, Colorado, contact our office to speak to a probation violation attorney.

Colorado Springs lawyers of Rodemer & Kane posing for a picture